Singapore Haze Index All Time High at 371!

Even more reasons to not visit, live or work in Singapore. Together with corruption and rude landlords and rude employers, Singapore now has a haze problem. Last night, the air PSI index was around 350 and today the air PSI is 371. Anything above 300 is hazardous, which means you could get air poisoning and die from it!

Singapore is now complaining about it and is directing the complaint towards Indonesia. Singapore said Indonesia should do something about it. Now, being the greedy nature of Singapore Government, I was not surprised at the fact that no help was given to the Sumatra farmers. All Singapore wants to do is complain and complain, but no action. Well, I think the haze serves Singapore well. If you’re greedy like that, you might as well go to hell.

Singapore needs to grow up and learn that having clean air is a group effort. Complaining to Indonesia will not solve any issues, but may anger the farmers to burn more forest areas and contributing to the rising PSI index to over 400. If Singapore was only kind enough to provide ideas, money and aid to work together in Indonesia, this haze issue may no longer be an annual affair.

With millions of dollars, PM Lee outta do something about it. Of course, him being Singaporean, he won’t even spend a cent on clearing the haze. Singapore will continue to whine about the haze until the haze consumes all greedy Singaporeans. What a bunch of real dumb asses.